Thursday 15 July 2010

Bishop Ralph Heskett CSsR of Gibraltar

Here are some pictures from Fr. (now His Lordship) Ralph's Episcopal Ordination on the 10th July 2010, in Gibraltar!

It was a wonderful and blessed occasion for all present.

Bishop Heskett's event actually had to be held in the RAF hangar (like Bishop Caruana's before him) due to the large numbers of people who wanted to be present! The event was televised live on Gibraltar TV (GBC).

More to follow soon...!

Bishop Ralph takes possession of the Cathedral.
Fr. Ralph lies prostrate before principle Consecrator, Archbishop Emeritus Bowen. 
Bishop Rapl receives the specially commissioned crozier from his predecessor, Bishop Emeritus Caruana.
Archbishop Bowen Consecrates Fr.Raplh as Bishop of Gibraltar. 
The new Bishop imparts his first blessing to those present.



Anonymous said...

BISHOP RALPH HESKETT - I'd like to add my congratulations & admiration for an old classmate (circa 1967 at St. Aidans, Sunderland ) who has followed his early calling and so obviously achieved a geat deal in his far!
I would like to send a message directly to Bishop Ralph - could someone post an address on this blog site to get a card to him.
Thankyou, Grahame Connolly

Anonymous said...

Just seen your post. If you put on the envelope Bishop, Gibraltar it will get to him, we are that small and EVERYONE knows our wonderful Bishop.
Try - Cathedral of the St Mary The Crowned, Main Street, Gibraltar. There is no postode